Sevenhill Hotel

Sevenhill Hotel

If you try and picture your ideal country pub, your imagination will almost certainly conjure up a warmly inviting atmosphere. Hopefully, a log fire or two. It would probably picture quality but traditional design and genuinely friendly service. It would serve delicious, hearty meals and accompany them with award-winning local wines and beers. Of course, it would have its own wine cellar and lots of inside and outside spaces to choose from, and the locals would treat the place as if it were the centre of their universe.

Welcome to the Sevenhill Hotel. The Sevenhill Hotel is in the heart of the Clare Valley. They are five minutes south of Clare and twenty minutes south of the top end of the valley, placing them at the epicentre of all the goodness that defines the region.

Winner of AHA Best Country Dining in SA for five years, this local pub is a destination in its own right, and if you have time for only one pit-stop, this is the place to choose.